We mostly reviewed for the test that was the next day. Went through questions and how to respond to them orally. Talked a bit about gender and singular/plural. Looked at how 'a + el' combines into …
35 English Listening Exercises
Struggling in Chinese with the game
I played the listen speak game yesterday in Chinese. I was listening to a 47 second recording that was basically spoken at a normal pace. What I thought I heard is the top line in each case and the …
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Listening Speak Game Arabic Listening Exercise #1 Beginning
Let me know if you would like to see more. …
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Listening Speak Game Mandarin Listening Exercise #3 (Beginning)
Listening Speak Game Mandarin Listening Exercise #2 (Advanced)
嘉義的梅山鄉種植檳榔樹和茶葉,細瘦的檳榔樹幹穿插在茶園周圍,這裡的生活步調很悠閒,茶農是一點一點的白點,點綴著茶園,我覺得茶園的風景很漂亮,依山勢層疊展開的茶園很美,辛勤工作的人兒也很美。 …
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